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Why You Should Choose A Local Concrete Company

Why you should choose a local concrete company

When it comes to your construction projects, whether they’re domestic or commercial, the quality of the materials you use is everything.  Concrete is a crucial component in many building projects and choosing the right concrete supplier can make all the difference. While it may be tempting to go with a large, national supplier, there are […]

Which Concrete is Right for Me?

which concrete is right for me

Selecting the perfect concrete for your project is essential for its success. At Total Concrete, we offer a diverse range of concrete types to suit various requirements. In this article, we explore what each type offers and determine which one fits your specific project needs. 10mm Concrete Its composition allows for a smoother finish and […]

6 Reasons Why Concrete Cracks

6 reasons why concrete cracks

Learning what makes concrete crack is the first step to avoiding the issue. Cracks can reduce the strength of the concrete and its visual appeal, so it should be avoided as best as possible. In this article, we take a look at 6 common causes of cracked concrete. Read on to make sure you produce […]

How Do You Fix Concrete That Is Too Wet?

Wet concrete piled onto the floor.

The magic of concrete is that each constituent part must be in perfect harmony. Mixing an incorrect ratio of sand, stone, cement and water will yield an inferior product.  One of the most common errors of the concrete mixing process is the addition of too much water. This simple mistake can lead to a whole […]

The History of Concrete

The history of concrete.

Have you ever wondered about the rich history of one of the world’s strongest building materials? Concrete, along with being resilient, cost effective and versatile, also has a long history spanning all the way back to Egyptian times.  Cement, the main component of concrete, can be tracked back even further — 12 million years further. […]

How to Mix Concrete in a Mixer

A cement mixer with water being poured in from a white bucket

When we need home improvements, we all want to make sure that the job is done well, but we also want to save money where possible. If your home improvement project needs concrete, that may be one of the tasks you might consider doing yourself rather than getting the professionals in. Concrete for smaller jobs […]

How to Break Concrete

Broken concrete

Concrete is known for being exceptionally strong and durable. While these qualities are great for building bridges and foundations, they’re not so good for breaking concrete apart. Breaking concrete can be tough, but with the right tools, skills and knowledge, it can be made easier. In this article, we explain how to break up concrete […]

DIY Concrete Planters Guide

DIY Concrete Planters

Add a touch of elegance to your garden with a homemade concrete planter. Not only does concrete provide a unique industrial aesthetic to any object, but it also offers superb strength and thermal resistance — perfect for your next garden planter. The best part? It’s easy to make yourself, from home, and in just a […]

How to Seal a Concrete Floor

How to seal a concrete floor

Sealing a concrete floor is a crucial step towards ensuring it remains strong and in great condition for years to come. There are a plethora of benefits to using sealer on concrete — and it’s almost effortless to apply. So, what are you waiting for? Start applying sealer to your concrete floor today. Check out […]

Is Green Concrete Eco-Friendly?

Is green concrete eco-friendly?

The world is becoming greener each day — and concrete is no exception. Researchers at various universities are finding new ways to develop concrete in line with our global mission to reduce greenhouse gases and protect the environment. While not truly green by colour, green concrete is still set to make a splash in the […]
